
Together, a better life.

Together, a better life.

Stakeholders Engagement

Stakeholders Engagement

Stakeholder Communication and Concerned Topics

Shareholders (Investors)
Communities/ NPOs/ NGOs
Competent Authorities

Significance to SinoPac Holdings

SinoPac Holdings values employees' development in the organization as well as their physical and mental health. SinoPac Holdings provides comprehensive on-the-job training, a fair performance evaluation system, and benefits for employees to grow in the organization, to fulfill corporate responsibilities and create value for society.

Communication Channel and Concerned Topics

Communication Channel Frequency Concerned Topics
Company labor union (including labor-management meeting) Regularly/ Irregularly
  • Talent Attraction
  • Competitive Compensation and Benefits
  • Talent Cultivation
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Corporate Human Rights and Diversity and Inclusion
Product seminars / education and training Irregularly
Internal feedback platform/ commendation announcements Irregularly
Employee satisfaction survey Annually
Internal digital platform education and training Irregularly


SinoPac Holdings provides employees a good knowledge training course and a full range of dialogue channels, including investment in employee benefits, planning for a complete career, and understanding the various challenge in their work in order to establish a positive attitude and develop employees' career life.

  • Communication Hotline:(02) 8161-8772
  • Written Opinion:Please mail or deliver your written document to SinoPac Holdings Human Resources Division.

Significance to SinoPac Holdings

SinoPac Holdings upholds the vision of “fulfillment of a beautiful life through finance” and maintains friendly and close relations with customers. The establishment of customer feedback mechanisms and improvement of customer satisfaction have always been important issues for the financial service sector.

Communication Channel and Concerned Topics

Communication Channel Frequency Concerned Topics
Customer service hotline Irregularly
  • Financial Service Quality
  • Digital Financial Innovation
Smart customer services Irregularly
Virtual channels (internet banking, mobile banking) Irregularly
Customer opinions Irregularly
Seminars Irregularly
Customer satisfaction surveys Irregularly
Customer grievance Irregularly
Other channels Regularly/ Irregularly


SinoPac Holdings build an honest and professional interactive foundation to our customers. Through our branches, we deeply rooted in every community by focusing on their needs and delivering professional and innovative service to create a foreseeable future to our customers.

  • Contact 24-Hour Call Centre:(02) 2505-9999、(02) 6630-8899

Significance to SinoPac Holdings

Transparent information disclosure is the basis of corporate operations. SinoPac Holdings facilitates investors to understand the company's investment value through communications and convey the company's operating strategy, profitability, return on investment, and sustainable governance.

Communication Channel and Concerned Topics

Communication Channel Frequency Concerned Topics
Operating performance Monthly
  • Protection of Shareholders' Right
  • Corporate Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Corporate Human Rights and Diversity and Inclusion
  • Operational Resilience
  • Climate Change and Net Zero Strategy
Investors' conferences organized by SinoPac Holdings Quarterly
Investors' conferences, non-deal roadshows (NDRs), and telephone conferences organized by SinoPac Holdings or broker Irregularly
Investor relations contact person on the official website and Market Observation Post System Irregularly
Annual shareholders' meetings Annually


SinoPac Holdings has established a corporate website at "Investor Relations", which discloses investor related information. SinoPac Holdings also holds analyst meeting regularly to maintain information transparency to protect investors' interests.

Significance to SinoPac Holdings

SinoPac Holdings maintains a good relationship with the media to convey corporate information and expand social influence to shape the company's positive image.

Communication Channel and Concerned Topics

Communication Channel Frequency Concerned Topics
Press conference Irregularly
  • Protection of Shareholders' Right
  • Compliance and Money Laundering Prevention
  • Operational Resilience
  • Climate Change and Net Zero strategy
  • Sustainable Finance
  • Digital Financial Innovation
  • Enhancing Accessibility of Financial Products and Services
  • Talent Cultivation
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Corporate Human Rights and Diversity and Inclusion
Press release Irregularly


Spokesperson:Kerry Hsu
  • Tel:(02) 8161-8935

Significance to SinoPac Holdings

SinoPac Holdings actively invests in social welfare, encourages employees to engage in volunteer services and plans featured activities based on operating locations, and invites customers to join along to achieve the goal of combining core business resources with public welfare projects.

Communication Channel and Concerned Topics

Communication Channel Frequency Concerned Topics
Sponsorship for arts and culture, academic, and sports activities Irregularly
  • Compliance and Money Laundering Prevention
  • Operational Resilience
  • Climate Change and Net Zero Strategy
  • Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy
Industry-academia cooperation Irregularly



Significance to SinoPac Holdings

Financial industry is highly regulated by the competent authority. It is the responsibility of SinoPac Holdings to comply with relevant regulations and establish a control mechanism while responding to relevant government policies.

Communication Channel and Concerned Topics

Communication Channel Frequency Concerned Topics
Policies recommendations Irregularly
  • Corporate Governance
  • Compliance and Money Laundering Prevention
  • Risk Management
  • Climate Change and Net Zero Strategy
  • Information Security and Cybersecurity
  • Sustainable Finance
Financial statements Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annually
Letters/emails/meetings Irregularly



Significance to SinoPac Holdings

In response to the trend of sustainable supply chain management and to expand the social influence, SinoPac Holdings invited suppliers and contractors to implement corporate social responsibility together.

Communication Channel and Concerned Topics

Communication Channel Frequency Concerned Topics
Website or tender briefing about the tender announcement Irregularly
  • Supplier Co-prosperity
Electronic bidding system Irregularly
Price negotiation meeting Irregularly
Supplier conference and ESG training Irregularly
Supplier evaluation Annually


The procurement of SinoPac Holdings will be in accordance with tendering and bargaining procedures. SinoPac Holdings will find the cooperative businesses that provide products and services with high quality from the qualified suppliers, via the open, bright and fair competitive environment.