
Together, a better life.

Together, a better life.

Donation Management

Donation Management

Donation Management

In response to the "Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for Financial Holding Companies" and the Company's "Corporate Governance Guidelines," the Company has established the "Donation Management Policy" The Policy serve as a guideline for the Company and its subsidiaries to conduct donation-related operations in accordance with consistent norms and operating principles and to implement the concept of giving back to society and fulfilling their corporate citizen responsibilities.

The aforementioned " Donation Management Policy " has been come into effect upon the approval of the Board of Directors. The Regulations specifies the donation-related regulations of the Company and its subsidiaries, including the upper limit of the donation budget, the conditions and handling methods for changing or terminating long-term donation commitments, donation recipients, and donation evaluation principles. Donations shall be given to the following recipients and purposes: disadvantaged groups, environmental protection, academic activities, sports activities, arts and culture, and priority shall be given to those with self-supporting funds. Donations are evaluated based on the legitimacy and propriety of the recipient and positive social influence. They should be in line with the Company's image and the enhancement of employee recognition. In addition, the Company and its subsidiaries shall regularly disclose to the public the donations made to political parties, stakeholders, and charity organizations.

Also, in accordance with the Company's "Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct", the Company shall maintain a politically neutral position and shall not make political contributions.