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Ethical Corporate Management

Ethical Corporate Management

Ethical Corporate Management Culture

SinoPac Holdings established the "Ethical Corporate Management Committee" in 2018. The "Ethical Corporate Management Committee" consists of 9 members including the Independent Directors of SinoPac Holdings, Bank SinoPac, and SinoPac Securities. Meetings of the Committee are convened at least once every six months. The Committee is responsible for the review of the ethical corporate management policies and prevention programs, and for supervision of the implementation performance of the managerial departments.

Ethical Corporate Management Policy and Management

Key Points of the SinoPac Holdings Ethical Corporate Management Policy

1 Prohibition of offering or accepting illegitimate benefits

2 Prohibition on offering or promising any facilitating payment

3 Prohibition on offering and acceptance of bribes

4 Maintenance of political neutrality and no political donations

5 Charity donations or sponsorship shall be processed in accordance with the "Donation Management Regulations"

6 Principles for recusal due to conflict of interest

7 Confidentiality obligations

8 Prohibition of infringement of Intellectual Property Rights

9 Prohibition on engaging in unfair competitive practices

10 Compliance with confidentiality agreements and prohibition on insider trading

11 Compliance and proclamation of related ethical corporate management regulations

12 Ethical corporate management evaluation before establishing business relations

13 Avoidance of commercial dealings with unethical operators

14 Prevention of damage to stakeholders from products or services

SinoPac Holdings established comprehensive ethical corporate management policy for different stakeholders as the basis for compliance by all employees of SinoPac Holdings and subsidiaries. The regulations require employees to process business affairs in an objective manner and recuse themselves from conflicts of interest.

Implementation of Ethical Corporate Management

SinoPac Holdings and its subsidiaries organizes regular internal awareness campaigns and communicates the importance of ethical corporate management and whistleblowing issues to all employees each year. The policies and regulations for ethical corporate management and whistleblowing system are included in the orientation training courses for new employees and the Statements of Compliance with the Ethical Corporate Management Policy is included as a document that must be signed by new employees when they report for duties. The indicator of personnel performance appraisal includes the employee's behavior. The compliance of workplace behaviors is based on our core values and the code of conduct. According to the behavior record, the points will be added or deducted in the final performance score and link to the employee's remuneration to encourage good behavior and discourage bad behavior.

For suppliers, SinoPac Holdings requires suppliers to comply with the " Supplier Sustainable Development Guidelines" and encourages suppliers to fulfill corporate social responsibility together. It also requires SinoPac Holdings and subsidiaries to evaluate the legality and ethical corporate management policy of distributors, suppliers, and customers and determine whether there are records of unethical conducts to ensure that the party operates business in a fair and transparent manner before making the decision to work with them. When engaging in commercial activities, the Company shall explain its ethical management regulations to the counterparty, and shall clearly refuse to provide, promise, request, or accept, directly or indirectly, any improper benefit in whatever form or name. In addition, SinoPac Holdings' clearly defines the mechanisms and whistleblowing channels.