
Together, a better life.

Together, a better life.

Environmental and Operational Management

Environmental and Operational Management

Environmental Policy

To reduce GHG emissions and energy consumption, SinoPac Holdings continues to optimize the internal energy management and demonstrate support for mitigating climate change impact by adopting the ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System and ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System and expanding the scope of domestic and overseas operations ISO 14064-1:2018 GHG Inventory to 100% in 2022 with external certification. The work environment of SinoPac Holdings complies with laws and regulations and has been approved by the competent authority. SinoPac Holdings holds carbon concentration inspections, fire drills, and occupational safety training at its offices each half year. Moreover, SinoPac Holdings has developed the emergency response manuals and conducts simulation exercises from time to time. Automated external defibrillators (AED) are also installed in each building to ensure the safety of employees, customers and community residents. In order to enhance occupational safety management, Bank SinoPac has built an occupational safety and health management system for Chunglun, Jianbei, Nanjing, Chengzhong and Beigao Building and successfully obtained the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification. In 2023, SinoPac Holdings participated in the CDP survey for the fourth year and was honored with a leadership rating of A- for four consecutive years, which shows that the excellent efforts in environmental operation and management in the past has been highly recognized by internal and external stakeholders. Besides managing the environmental performance of own operation, SinoPac Holdings also work on procurement through conducting supplier audit and establishing the Supplier Evaluation System with the aim of supporting suppliers that produced eco-friendly products with low carbon emissions through concrete action such as green procurement and supplier management and hoped to expand the influence on the supply chain, encouraging suppliers to set carbon reduction targets and jointly contributing to the sustainability of the environment.

Independent Verification of SinoPac Holdings’ Environmental Related Data

NoteThe greenhouse gas inventory coverage rate = Number of employees in the buildings where external verification was adopted/ number of SinoPac Holdings employees; the number of employees referred to the number of regular employees in Taiwan, excluding dispatched employees. Energy and Environment Management Systems = Calculated based on the completion of the implementation of 6 self-owned buildings/7 self-owned buildings.

Summary of the Energy and Resource Management Performance and Target Achievement in 2023

NoteThe GHG volume in the base year includes relevant data of domestic sites (which have been verified by a third party) and overseas sites (self-estimated)