Risk Management Policy
SinoPac Holdings has adopted an appropriate set of risk management organizational structure, management standards, control mechanisms, risk management report system, and a sound risk management culture to integrate the management of crucial risks and review and amend management mechanisms or measures when necessary. The Company establishes comprehensive risk regulations and limits to prevent the occurrence of material risk incidents to attain the optimal balance between profitability and risk management.
SinoPac Holdings' "Risk Management Policy" was approved by the Board of Directors in 2009 and the latest amendment was approved by the Board of Directors on December 20, 2019. The Policy includes the development of a risk management environment and culture for each subsidiary as well as integrated management regulations and limits for various risks, the authorization and operating guidelines for each business unit, and the identification, measurement, assessment, and management of risks. The risk management unit or personnel of SinoPac Holdings and its subsidiaries are required to regularly report risk management status and improvement recommendations to the Board of Directors. In the event of material risk exposure, suitable actions shall be taken immediately and reported to the Board of Directors. SinoPac Holdings also conducted risk assessments and created risk response measures for credit, market, operation, asset and liability, reputation, legal, compliance, strategy risks, and other risks associated with business operations including emerging risks and climate change risks. They are used to identify the related risks at the group level and formulate response measures to be reported to suitable management levels.
The risk management Division of SinoPac Holdings reports risk management status and improvement recommendations to the Board of Directors on a monthly basis and quarterly to the Risk Management Committee. In the event of material risk exposure, suitable actions shall be taken immediately and reported to the Board of Directors.The overall status of the Company's management of existing or potential risks or climate change risks (including physical risks and transition risk indicators) and the progress of related projects are also reported to the Audit Committee on a quarterly basis.
SinoPac Holdings Risk Management Mechanisms
SinoPac Holdings Risk Management Procedures
Framework of Risk Management
To effectively manage the risks arising from the operations of SinoPac Holdings and its subsidiaries, the Board of Directors serves as the highest supervisory unit in charge of approving the risk management policy and risk appetite or limit and giving the management authority for daily risk management. Based on its authority, the management should supervise risk management activities, evaluate the performance of risk management, and make sure that each risk management officer works professionally and in line with the code of ethics.
The Audit Committee consists of three independent directors, aiming to help supervise the effective implementation of the company's internal control and compliance with relevant laws and regulations, control the company's existing or potential risks, and assist the board of directors to make decisions through its professional and independent position. The responsibilities include regularly receiving reports from the Risk Management Division on potential risk issues and management overview, supervising the implementation of risk management of the Company and its subsidiaries, and reviewing the Company's risk management policies.
The Risk Management Committee has been set up under the Chairman, who serves as the convener of the committee, to be in charge of deliberating on the risk management policy, organization, system, and risk limit, reviewing overall risks, supervising risk management activities of SinoPac Holdings and its subsidiaries, and coordinating efforts to manage major risk incidents.
The Risk Management Division has been set up under the President to be in charge of developing the risk management policies, guidelines, and systems for SinoPac Holdings and its subsidiaries. In addition to implementing the risk management policies, guidelines, and systems approved by the Board of Directors, the Risk Management Division is responsible to regularly evaluate the performance of SinoPac Holdings and its subsidiaries in terms of risk management.
Based on its authority, the management assigns a controlling unit or personnel to be responsible for the risk management of its business to ensure that all risks are properly monitored.