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Sustainable Financial Products and Services

Sustainable Financial Products and Services

Wealth and Asset Management Business

SinoPac Holdings' subsidiary SinoPac SITC operates asset management business, which includes active investments and passive investments. SinoPac SITC has no externally managed assets. SinoPac SITC incorporates ESG factors into the investment process in fund utilization and established the “SinoPac SITC ESG Investment and Risk Management and Information Disclosure Policy” referred to the United Nations’ "Principles for Responsible Investment" as well as "Stewardship Principles for Institutional Investors" and based on the "Sustainable Finance Policy" and the "Responsible Investment Management Guidelines" of SinoPac Holdings. The guidelines are used as guidance for promoting and implementing responsible investment and risk management.
SinoPac SITC incorporating ESG factors into the investment evaluation process to strength investment and asset management businesses. Besides prohibiting investments in controversial industries, it carefully evaluates investments in sensitive industries/sensitive economic activities and incorporated climate change related issues into its voting policy. SinoPac SITC has incorporated the ESG risk assessment process for different asset classes in 2021, and guidelines for evaluating investments in high carbon emissions industries was implemented on a trial basis. In 2022, SinoPac SITC amended the "Stewardship Policy" to strengthen the responsibilities for ESG investment and risk management of the Board of Directors and senior executives. In terms of actual implementation, SinoPac SITC monitor the business situation of investee companies by attending shareholders' meetings, exercising voting rights, and engaging with senior executives. It proposed amendments to the voting and engagement policy in 2023 and completed the amendments for voting and engagement related standards in 2024.

Issuance of Sustainability Funds

SinoPac Taiwan ESG Plus Fund

  • The fund invests in constituent stocks of the FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG Index, in order to meet investors' need for wealth management that invests in sustainable growth.
SinoPac Taiwan Target Exposure ESG ETF

  • Tracking the performance of FTSE Taiwan Target Exposure ESG Index.
  • Fully replicating the portfolio of benchmark index.
  • The members of benchmark index are selected primarily by each company's ESG scores.
SinoPac ESG Global Digital Infrastructure Fund

  • The investment list of the fund target on the digital infrastructure theme including global infrastructure stocks and REITs.
  • The investment pool filter by ESG rating, and exclude controversial industries and companies with low ESG ratings.
  • The investment targets cover the three major topics and New Ten Major Construction Projects, including data center, digital transformation and future energy.
SinoPac Taiwan ESG Low Carbon High Dividend 40 ETF

  • Tracking the performance of Taiwan ESG Low Carbon High Dividend 40 Index compiled by Taiwan Index Plus Corporation.
  • The members of benchmark index are selected primarily by each company’s carbon emission, ESG scores, and stability of cash dividend.
  • Fully replicating the portfolio of benchmark index.
SinoPac 15+ Year Investment Grade US Banking ESG ETF

  • Tracking the performance of ICE 15+ Year Investment Grade US Banking ESG Index compiled by ICE Data Indices.
  • The members of benchmark index are investment grade bonds issued by major global banks.
  • Using Sustainalytics ESG risk score to eliminate high-risk targets.

Sustainability Fund Sales

The ESG funds that are sold of Bank SinoPac and SinoPac Securities comply with the European Union's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) invest in sustainability targets, including eco-friendly funds that focus on green energy, water resources, energy transition, climate change, and environmental sustainability environmental or social factors, have a positive effect on ESG, or invest in sustainability targets, including eco-friendly funds that focus on green energy, water resources, energy transition, climate change, and environmental sustainability to provideing retail banking and wealth management customers with more diverse investment options that take ESG into consideration.

SinoPac+ ESG Evaluation System

SinoPac Securities Investment Service Corp. has launched the SinoPac+ ESG Evaluation System with the SASB standards as the core frameworkworked with a third party institution in 2021. It uses publicly available information as the source of information for evaluations and uses financially significant sustainability indicators and localized design to classifies companies into five ratings based on their sustainability performance. In March 2024, it was officially opened to the public for inquiry on the ESG IR Platform of Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation (TDCC), becoming the first domestic financial company to provide evaluation on the ESG IR Platform. The evaluation results meet international standards, with advantages of high standards, wide coverage, easy to understand and immediacy and became important metrics for sustainability investment, assisting more corporate and general investors to understand ESG ratings and increasing the visibility of Taiwan stocks in the international ESG investment market.