Performance Evaluation of Board of Directors


To implement corporate governance and enhance the functions of the Board of Directors as well as to establish performance targets so as to enhance the operational efficiency of the Board of Directors, SinoPac Holdings has established the "Regulations Governing the Evaluation of the Performance of the Board of Directors" in 2018 for compliance purpose. The performance of the Board of Directors and functional committees should be evaluated according to the evaluation procedures and standards set forth in the "Regulations Governing the Evaluation of the Performance of the Board of Directors" on an annual basis. The performance evaluation of the Board of Directors and functional committees shall be conducted by an external professional independent institution or a team of external experts and scholars at least once every three years, and the results of performance evaluation shall be reported to the Board of Directors before the end of March in the following year.

The measurement items for evaluating the performance of the Board of Directors should include at least the following 5 dimensions: (1) degree of participation in the operations of SinoPac Holdings; (2) improvement in the quality of decision-making by the Board of Directors; (3) composition and structure of the Board of Directors; (4) election and continuous development of directors; and (5) internal controls. The measurement items for evaluating the performance of board members should include at least the following 6 dimensions: (1) understanding of the goals and missions of SinoPac Holdings; (2) recognition of duties as Directors; (3) degree of participation in the operations of SinoPac Holdings; (4) management of internal relationship and communication; (5) professionalism and continuing education; and (6) internal controls. The measurement items for evaluating the performance of functional committees should include at least the following 5 dimensions: (1) degree of participation in the operations of SinoPac Holdings; (2) recognition of duties as functional committee members; (3) improvement in the quality of decision-making by functional committees; (4) composition and election of functional committee members; and (5) internal controls. For the scoring criteria, each measurement item is scored using the weight method, and performance evaluation results are divided into five levels, namely excellent, very good, good, fair, and poor.

In 2019, EY Business Advisory Services Inc. was commissioned to evaluate the performance of the Board of Directors. The self-evaluation approach to the performance of the individual directors, Audit Committee,and Remuneration Committee was adopted. Based on the results of the external evaluation, the overall performance of the Board of Directors in "structure," "people," and "process and information" was advanced, benchmark, and advanced, respectively; "positive" results were obtained from the internal evaluation of the performance of the individual directors, Audit Committee, and Remuneration Committee. Reported to the Board of Directors on February 25, 2020, The results of both internal and external evaluations were positive, showing the good operations of the Board of Directors as a whole.

In 2020, the self-evaluation approach to the performance of the individual directors, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, and Ethical Corporate Management Committee was adopted. The self-evaluation results were "excellent" in every aspect, showing that the Board as a whole and the individual directors made positive comments on the efficiency and effectiveness of the Board and functional committees. The operation of the Board and functional committees was good and will be continuously enhanced. The self-evaluation results were reported to the Board of Directors on February 26, 2021 and will be the basis of the 2020 remuneration for directors and the nomination of directors for the next term.

In 2021, the self-evaluation approach to the performance of the individual directors, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, and Ethical Corporate Management Committee was adopted. The self-evaluation results were "excellent" in every aspect, showing that the Board as a whole and the individual directors made positive comments on the efficiency and effectiveness of the Board and functional committees. The operation of the Board and functional committees was good and will be continuously enhanced. The self-evaluation results were reported to the Board of Directors on February 25, 2022 and will be the basis of the 2021 remuneration for directors and the nomination of directors for the next term.

In 2022, the Company appointed EY Business Advisory Services Inc. to handle the evaluation of the performance of the Board and functional committees while was that of individual board members handled through internal self-evaluation. The results of this external performance evaluation show that the comprehensive performance of the Company in terms of structure, people, and process and information of the Board of Directors and the functional committees are benchmarks. The self-evaluation results of the individual directors were "excellent" in every aspect, showing that the external and internal evaluations both made positive comments on the efficiency and effectiveness of the Board and functional committees. The operation of the Board and functional committees was good. The self-evaluation results were reported to the Board of Directors on February 24, 2023 and will be the basis of the 2022 remuneration for directors and the nomination of directors (including the independent directors) for the next term. In the future, the advice provided by Ernst & Young will serve as a reference for the Company to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors and functional committees.

Evaluation of the performance of the Board of Directors

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