List of Members

Title Name Education Significant Experiences


(Independent Director)

 Wei-ta PAN Juris Doctor (J.D.), University of Nebraska

˙President, Soochow University

˙Independent Director of China Life

˙Independent Director of Quanta Computer

˙Independent Director of Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation

˙Independent Director, Radium Life Tech. Co., Ltd.

˙Vice President, Red Cross Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

˙Board Member of Modern Women's Foundation

˙Director, ESGWD Of Taichung City

 Member of
Remuneration Committee

(Independent Director)

Huey-jen SU Sc.D., Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Harvard University

˙Distinguished Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University

˙President, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

˙Standing Committee, The Committee of Future Earth, Academia Sinica, Taipei

˙President, Academia-Industry Consortium For Southern Taiwan Science Park

˙Board Director, National Applied Research Laboratories

˙Committee, National Environmental Education, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, Taiwan

Member of

Remuneration Committee

(Independent Director)


 Wen-ling MA MBA, Institute of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University

˙CEO, Nomura Asset Management, Taiwan

˙General Manager, Aberdeen Standard Investments, Taiwan

˙Head of Distribution, Aberdeen Standard Investments, Taiwan

˙Managing Director and General Manager of Wealth Management, Standard Chartered Bank, Taiwan

˙Executive Director and Head of Investment Products and Services, UBS Taiwan

˙Head of Wealth Management, HSBC Taiwan

˙Head of Investment & Insurance, HSBC Taiwan

˙Manager, Investment Strategies Development, Consumer Banking, Citibank Taiwan