Communication Channels
Investors/ Shareholders
SinoPac Holdings has established a corporate website at “Investors”, which discloses investor related information. SinoPac Holdings also holds analyst meeting regularly to maintain information transparency to protect investors’ interests.
Position Name Title Phone Number
Spokesperson Kerry Hsu Chief Financial Officer +886-2-8161-8935
Acting Spokesperson Vincent Hsiao Senior Vice President +886-2-8161-8935
Investor Relations Annie Lin Vice President +886-2-8161-8935 ext. 1983
Investor Relations Ariel Su Manager +886-2-8161-8935 ext. 8985
SinoPac Holdings maintains a good relationship with the media to convey corporate information and expand social influence to shape the company's positive image.
Position Name Title Phone Number
Spokesperson Kerry Hsu Chief Financial Officer +886-2-8161-8935
Acting Spokesperson Vincent Hsiao Senior Vice President +886-2-8161-8935
SinoPac Holdings provides employees a good knowledge training course and a full range of dialogue channels, including investment in employee benefits, planning for a complete career, and understanding the various challenge in their work in order to establish a positive attitude and develop employees' career life.
- Communication Hotline: +886-2-8161-8772
- Written Opinion: Please mail or deliver your written document to SinoPac Holdings Human Resources Division.
SinoPac Holdings upholds the vision of “fulfillment of a beautiful life through finance” and maintains friendly and close relations with customers. The establishment of customer feedback mechanisms and improvement of customer satisfaction have always been important issues for the financial service sector.
The procurement of SinoPac Holdings will be in accordance with tendering and bargaining procedures. SinoPac Holdings will find the cooperative businesses that provide products and services with high quality from the qualified suppliers, via the open, bright and fair competitive environment.
SinoPac Holdings actively invests in social welfare, encourages employees to engage in volunteer services and plans featured activities based on operating locations, and invites customers to join along to achieve the goal of combining core business resources with public welfare projects.
Competent Authorities
Financial industry is highly regulated by the competent authority. It is the responsibility of SinoPac Holdings to comply with relevant regulations and establish a control mechanism while responding to relevant government policies.