SinoPac Holdings Announces the Board's Resolution of Convening 2024 Regular Shareholders' Meeting
- Date of the board of directors' resolution: 2024/02/23
- Shareholders' meeting date: 2024/06/07
- Shareholders' meeting location: Auditorium at 13F, No. 36, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Road, Taipei, Taiwan
- Shareholders' meeting will be held by means of physical shareholders' meeting.
- Cause for convening the meeting
- Reported matters:
- Business Reports for year 2023
- Audit Committee’s Review Report on Financial Statements for year 2023
- Distribution of remuneration for employees and directors in 2023, and a report on the payment of director remuneration
- The Amendments to the Company's Guidelines for Ethical Corporate Management
- Acknowledged matters:
- Business Reports and Financial Statements for year 2023
- Proposal for distribution of 2023 earnings
- Matters for Discussion:
- Appropriation of 2023 undistributed earnings as capital through issuance of new shares
- Election matters: None
- Other Proposals: None
- Extemporary Motions: None
- Reported matters:
- Book closure starting date: 2024/04/09
- Book closure ending date: 2024/06/07
- Any other matters that need to be specified:
- According to article 172-1 of Company Act, if shareholders with over 1% holding would like to submit the proposals, the Company will accept the proposals from 2024/03/01 to 2024/03/11 (before 5:00 p.m.).The place for submission: Secretariat of SinoPac Holdings/ 11F,No.306,Bade Rd., Sec.2, Taipei
- Shareholders may exercise their rights through electronic vote during 2024/05/08-2024/06/04. Please follow the instructions shown on the website “" of Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation for proceeding.
- A same person or same affiliated person who individually, mutually, or collectively acquires shares representing more than 5% of the voting rights of the Company shall report to the Financial Supervisory Committee (FSC) within 10 days after the share acquisition. The same procedure shall also apply to every additional accumulated 1% voting-right-shares acquired or reduced once exceeding the 5% threshold. A same person or same affiliated person who proposes to individually, mutually, or collectively acquire shares representing more than 10%, 25% or 50% of the voting rights of the Company shall apply to the FSC for approval in advance respectively. A third party, who holds shares for the same person or same affiliated person based on trust, delegation or other contractual relationship, agreement, and authorization, shall be treated as the same affiliated person. (Please refer to Article 4,5,and 16 of the Financial Holding Company Act.)